Net Zero

Importance of Aviation

Aviation represents 4%
of Global GDP

Aviation has led to 19,642
Unique city pairs

Aviation Support 87.7m Jobs
around the world

Value of Trade Carried
8,335 Bn USD

For every 1 job in aviation,
8 more jobs are created in
the broader economy

Value of Tourism spend
777 bn USD

Target of Net Zero by 2050

Operations and infrastructure*

Market-based measure

Sustainable aviation fuel


*Including efficiency improvements from load factor


This pathway includes Electric, Hybrid and Hydrogen propulsion as well as next generation engines.  

Development is well underway with several battery-powered prototypes already flying however this will largely be limited to the smaller regional aircraft.

Hydrogen is not expected to be available before the 2040s as it will require a complete redesign of aircraft and infrastructure. 

Next generation engines projected to deliver 20-25% fuel savings but will also likely require an aircraft re-design.

Operations and Infrastructure

  • Electrifying ground equipment;

  • Lighter weight seats;

  • Electronic records / e-documents;

  • Upgrading Air Traffic Control (ATC);

  • Optimized Profile Descent.

Sustainable Aviation Fuels (SAF)

The most significant pathway to achieving the 2050 goals and the pathway that IATA has identified as the foundation of their strategy to achieve future Net Zero is SAF. Some products already available and many others in various stages of certification. The biggest challenges are: 

  • Unit cost vs fossil fuels alternative - by some estimates between 3x - 10x more expensive, and 

  • Scale – will require 450BN litres by 2050 versus 100MN liters available today.